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CES Romania participation in the ”Next Generation EU” meeting

CES Romania participation in the ”Next Generation EU” meeting

A meeting organized by the Italian National Economic and Labor Council (CNEL) in partnership with the European Semester Group entitled "Next Generation EU" was held in hybrid format on Tuesday, January 25, 2022. The meeting focused on the implementation of the National Recovery and Resilience Plans in the EU Member States and on the effective role of the national ESCs and the social partners in this process. Representatives of the ESCs from Italy, Spain, France, Portugal and Romania, as well as representatives of the European Economic and Social Committee, took part in the discussions.

Participarea CES România la reuniunea „Next Generation EU”
–CNEL Italia și Grupul privind Semestrul European–
–Format hibrid, 25 ianuarie 2022–

Participarea CES România la reuniunea Next Generation EU
CES România a fost reprezentat online de dna Diana Chiriacescu, membră a Plenului, care a vorbit despre stadiul implementării PNRR în România, despre Comitetul de Monitorizare a PNRR și despre discuțiile dintre consiliul român și Guvern privind implicarea celui dintâi în procesul implementării.
