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Search: economic and social council

Visit of the Friendship Delegation from Guangdong Province

Visit of the Friendship Delegation from Guangdong Province…

A delegation of the Guangdong Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), composed of six…more
General Assembly UCESIF 2019

General Assembly UCESIF 2019…

A delegation of the ESC of Romania, composed of Mr. Iacob Baciu, President of the Romanian ESC and UCESIF President, Ms. Elena-Cătălina…more
Participation of the ESC of Romania in the AICESIS Board 2019

Participation of the ESC of Romania in the AICESIS Board 2019…

A delegation of the Economic and Social Council of Romania, headed by Mr. Iacob Baciu, President of the Romanian ESC and AICESIS…more
ESC Opinions 2018

ESC Opinions 2018…

This section provides information on the opinions issued in 2018 by the Economic and Social Council to draft legislation received…more
Protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data

Protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data…

The Economic and Social Council is processing of personal data in order to fulfill the duties provided by Law no. 248/2013…more
General Assembly UCESIF 2018

General Assembly UCESIF 2018…

In the midst of the term of the Romanian Presidency of the Union of Economic and Social Councils and Similar Institutions…more
The 12-th Civil Society Media Seminar

The 12-th Civil Society Media Seminar…

The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) organized in Athens, with the support of the Economic and Social Council…more
Visit of a delegation of the ESC of Romania in China 2018

Visit of a delegation of the ESC of Romania in China 2018…

Between 15 and 20 November 2018, a delegation representing the Romanian Economic and Social Council (ESC) visited the Chinese…more
Participation of the ESC of Romania in the AICESIS Board 2018

Participation of the ESC of Romania in the AICESIS Board 2018…

A delegation of the Economic and Social Council of Romania, led by Mr. Iacob Baciu, President, and composed of Messrs. Liviu…more
ESC Opinions 2017

ESC Opinions 2017…

This section provides information on the opinions issued in 2017 by the Economic and Social Council to draft legislation received…more
