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Search: economic and social council

Romanian Representatives in EESC

Romanian Representatives in EESC…

The government sent to the Romanian Mission in Brussels to forward the EU Council General Secretariat, the proposed nomination…more
International conference combating inequalities in the world of work Greece 2023

International conference combating inequalities in the world of work Greece 2023…

A delegation of the Economic and Social Council led by the president Bogdan Simion and made up of Mr. Liviu Apostoiu, vice…more
ESC Activity Reports

ESC Activity Reports…

Activity Reports of the Economic and Social Council (ESC) for the period of 2002-2022…more
Euromed Egypt 2023 Summit

Euromed Egypt 2023 Summit…

On 5 and 6 July 2023, the Euromed 2023 Summit of Economic and Social Councils and Similar Institutions took place in Alexandria,…more
ESC Technical Organizational Chart

ESC Technical Organizational Chart…

The Economic and Social Council is constituted and operates on the principle of tripartism, its governing bodies and those…more
Rules of Procedure

Rules of Procedure…

Rules of Procedure of the Economic and Social Council…more
The Summit on Social Dialogue in South East Europe 2023

The Summit on Social Dialogue in South East Europe 2023…

On March 20, 2023, the Summit on social dialogue in South-Eastern Europe took place in Thessaloniki. The event was organized…more
UCESIF 2023 General Assembly

UCESIF 2023 General Assembly…

On June 1 and 2, the General Assembly of the Union of Economic and Social Councils and Similar Francophone Institutions (UCESIF)…more
Preparatory online meetings for the UCESIF 2023 General Assembly

Preparatory online meetings for the UCESIF 2023 General Assembly…

In the framework of the first Bureau of UCESIF organized under the presidency of the Economic, Social and Environmental Council…more
Focus group organized online by the European Economic and Social Committee 2023

Focus group organized online by the European Economic and Social Committee 2023…

On Monday, April 3, 2023, the European Economic and Social Committee (CESE) organized an online administrative focus group,…more
