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Asset statements of Plenary Session 2016

Asset statements of Plenary Session 2016

Asset statements of ESC Plenary Session
Nume și PrenumeDec. avereDec. interese
Anghel IonDec. avereDec. interese
Cavaleru Dana LilianaDec. avereDec. interese
Ciocan MirceaDec. avereDec. interese
Chioaru GheorgheDec. avereDec. interese
Dragos MihaiDec. avereDec. interese
Duminică GeluDec. avereDec. interese
Grigorescu SevastitaDec. avereDec. interese
Mierlea SorinDec. avereDec. interese
Mihai FlorinDec. avereDec. interese
Mitache ConstantinDec. avereDec. interese
Nicosevici Radu Mircea Mihai IosifDec. avereDec. interese
Olteanu CostelDec. avereDec. interese
Simion BogdanDec. avereDec. interese
Vișoianu DanielaDec. avereDec. interese
Urzică Loredana MariaDec. avereDec. interese

Plen 2016

Nume și PrenumeDec. avereDec. interese
Albu IonDec. avereDec. interese
Anghel MarianDec. avereDec. interese
Apostoiu LiviuDec. avereDec. interese
Baciu IacobDec. avereDec. interese
Ciomag Doina MariaDec. avereDec. interese
Chirilă NicolaeDec. avere-numire
Dec. avere
Dec. avere-încetare mandat
Dec. interese-numire
Dec. interese
Dec. interese-încetare mandat
Coarnă DumitruDec. avereDec. interese
Costache FlorianDec. avereDec. interese
Dan Matei AgathonDec. avereDec. interese
Dobre FlorinDec. avere-rectif
Dec. avere
Dec. interese-rectif
Dec. interese
Ghizdeanu IonDec. avere-încetare mandat
Dec. avere
Dec. interese-încetare mandat
Dec. interese
Gogescu VasilicăDec. avereDec. interese
Guţă VictoriaDec. avereDec. interese
Hagiu Augustin FlorinDec. avereDec. interese
Hăncescu SimionDec. avereDec. interese
Homoș IonDec. avereDec. interese
Marin FlorianDec. avereDec. interese
Măntescu IulicăDec. avereDec. interese
Mihalache DragoșDec. avereDec. interese
Minea Radu Dumitru MaximilianDec. avereDec. interese
Mureşan AdolfDec. avereDec. interese
Nistor Marius OvidiuDec. avereDec. interese
Oprescu Ionel SebastianDec. avereDec. interese
Oros Emanoil MirceaDec. avereDec. interese
Piturescu IoanDec. avereDec. interese
Rădeanu ȘtefanDec. avereDec. interese
Rogojinaru LiviuDec. avereDec. interese
Samoilă IonDec. avereDec. interese
Stănciulescu IonDec. avereDec. interese
Teoroc ŞtefanDec. avereDec. interese
Vlăsceanu SilviaDec. avereDec. interese
Zorilă ConstantinDec. avere-încetare mandat
Dec. avere
Dec. interese-încetare mandat
Dec. interese

Asset and Interest statement

Asset statements of the Employees 2024

Asset statements of the Employees 2024

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Asset statements of Plenary Session 2024

Asset statements of Plenary Session 2024

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Asset statements of Plenary Session 2023

Asset statements of Plenary Session 2023

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Asset statements of the Employees 2023

Asset statements of the Employees 2023

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Asset statements of Plenary Session 2022

Asset statements of Plenary Session 2022

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Asset statements of the Employees 2022

Asset statements of the Employees 2022

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Asset statements of Plenary Session 2021

Asset statements of Plenary Session 2021

Asset statements of ESC Plenary Session … more
Asset statements of the Employees 2021

Asset statements of the Employees 2021

Asset statements of the Employees … more
Asset statements of Plenary Session 2020

Asset statements of Plenary Session 2020

Asset statements of ESC Plenary Session … more
Asset statements of the Employees 2020

Asset statements of the Employees 2020

Asset statements of the Employees … more
Asset statements of Plenary Session 2019

Asset statements of Plenary Session 2019

Asset statements of ESC Plenary Session … more
Asset statements of the Employees 2019

Asset statements of the Employees 2019

Asset statements of the Employees … more
Asset statements of Plenary Session 2018

Asset statements of Plenary Session 2018

Asset statements of ESC Plenary Session … more
Asset statements of the Employees 2018

Asset statements of the Employees 2018

Asset statements of the Employees … more
Asset statements of Plenary Session 2017

Asset statements of Plenary Session 2017

Asset statements of ESC Plenary Session … more
Asset statements of the Employees 2017

Asset statements of the Employees 2017

Asset statements of the Employees … more
Asset statements of Plenary Session 2016

Asset statements of Plenary Session 2016

Asset statements of ESC Plenary Session … more
Asset statements of the Employees 2016

Asset statements of the Employees 2016

Asset statements of the Employees … more
Asset statements of Plenary Session 2015

Asset statements of Plenary Session 2015

Asset statements of ESC Plenary Session … more
Asset statements of the Employees 2015

Asset statements of the Employees 2015

Asset statements of the Employees … more
Asset statements of Plenary Session 2014

Asset statements of Plenary Session 2014

Asset statements of ESC Plenary Session … more
Asset statements of the Employees 2014

Asset statements of the Employees 2014

Asset statements of the Employees … more
Asset statements of Plenary Session 2013

Asset statements of Plenary Session 2013

Asset statements of ESC Plenary Session … more
Asset statements of the Employees 2013

Asset statements of the Employees 2013

Asset statements of the Employees … more
Asset statements of Plenary Session 2012

Asset statements of Plenary Session 2012

Asset statements of ESC Plenary Session … more
Asset statements of the Employees 2012

Asset statements of the Employees 2012

Asset statements of the Employees … more
Asset statements of Plenary Session 2011

Asset statements of Plenary Session 2011

Asset statements of ESC Plenary Session … more
Asset statements of the Employees 2011

Asset statements of the Employees 2011

Asset statements of the Employees … more
Asset statements of Plenary Session 2010

Asset statements of Plenary Session 2010

Asset statements of ESC Plenary Session 2010 … more
Asset statements of the Employees 2010

Asset statements of the Employees 2010

Asset statements of the Employees 2010 … more
