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Asset statements of Plenary Session 2017

Asset statements of Plenary Session 2017

Asset statements of ESC Plenary Session
Nume și PrenumeDec. avereDec. interese
Albu Octavian CatalinDec. avere - incetare mandatDec. interese - incetare mandat
Anghel IonDec. avereDec. interese
Anghel MarianDec. avereDec. interese
Apostoiu LiviuDec. avereDec. interese
Baciu IacobDec. avere - ales Președinte CES
Dec. avere
Dec. interese - ales Președinte CES
Dec. interese
Cavaleru Dana LilianaDec. avereDec. interese
Ciocan MirceaDec. avereDec. interese
Ciomag Doina MariaDec. avereDec. interese
Chioaru GheorgheDec. avereDec. interese
Chirilă NicolaeDec. avere
Dec. avere - încetare mandat
Dec. interese
Dec. interese - încetare mandat
Coarnă DumitruDec. avereDec. interese
Cojocaru VioricaDec. avereDec. interese
Costache FlorianDec. avere
Dec. avere - încetare mandat
Dec. interese
Dec. interese - încetare mandat
Dobre FlorinDec. avereDec. interese
Dobrescu FloreaDec. avereDec. interese
Dragos MihaiDec. avereDec. interese
Dumitru Florian EmilDec. avereDec. interese
Duminică GeluDec. avereDec. interese
Grigorescu SevastitaDec. avereDec. interese
Guţă VictoriaDec. avere - încetare mandat
Dec. avere
Dec. interese - încetare mandat
Dec. interese
Hagiu Augustin FlorinDec. avere - încetare mandat
Dec. avere
Dec. interese - încetare mandat
Dec. interese
Hăncescu SimionDec. avereDec. interese
Marin Dumitru ViorelDec. avere
Dec. avere -numire
Dec. interese
Dec. interese -numire
Maxim Rodrigo GabrielDec. avere
Dec. avere -numire
Dec. interese
Dec. interese -numire
Măntescu IulicăDec. avereDec. interese
Mihai FlorinDec. avere
Dec. avere
Dec. avere -ales Vicepreședinte CES
Dec. interese
Dec. interese
Dec. interese -ales Vicepreședinte CES
Mihalache DragoșDec. avereDec. interese
Minea Radu Dumitru MaximilianDec. avereDec. interese
Mitache ConstantinDec. avere - încetare mandat
Dec. avere
Dec. interese - încetare mandat
Dec. interese
Mureşan AdolfDec. avereDec. interese
Nicosevici Radu Mircea Mihai IosifDec. avereDec. interese
Nistor Marius OvidiuDec. avereDec. interese
Olteanu CostelDec. avereDec. interese
Păun Ana CătălinaDec. avere
Dec. avere - numire
Dec. interese
Dec. interese - numire
Popa Anca AndreeaDec. avere
Dec. avere - numire
Dec. interese
Dec. interese - numire
Popescu LauraDec. avereDec. interese
Rădeanu ȘtefanDec. avereDec. interese
Rogojinaru LiviuDec. avereDec. interese
Samoilă IonDec. avere - încetare mandat
Dec. avere
Dec. interese - încetare mandat
Dec. interese
Samek Denisa ElenaDec. avereDec. interese
Sălăjeanu Florian ValeriuDec. avereDec. interese
Simion BogdanDec. avereDec. interese
Stoicescu MarianDec. avere
Dec. avere - numire
Dec. interese
Dec. interese - numire
Tancau Petrea PetreDec. avere
Dec. avere - numire
Dec. interese
Dec. interese - numire
Teoroc ŞtefanDec. avereDec. interese
Urzică-Mirea Loredana MariaDec. avereDec. interese
Velciu Vasile ValeriuDec. avereDec. interese
Vieru DumitruDec. avere
Dec. avere - numire
Dec. interese
Dec. interese - numire
Vlăsceanu SilviaDec. avereDec. interese
Vișoianu DanielaDec. avereDec. interese

Asset and Interest statement

Asset statements of the Employees 2024

Asset statements of the Employees 2024

Asset statements of the Employees … more
Asset statements of Plenary Session 2024

Asset statements of Plenary Session 2024

Asset statements of ESC Plenary Session … more
Asset statements of Plenary Session 2023

Asset statements of Plenary Session 2023

Asset statements of ESC Plenary Session … more
Asset statements of the Employees 2023

Asset statements of the Employees 2023

Asset statements of the Employees … more
Asset statements of Plenary Session 2022

Asset statements of Plenary Session 2022

Asset statements of ESC Plenary Session … more
Asset statements of the Employees 2022

Asset statements of the Employees 2022

Asset statements of the Employees … more
Asset statements of Plenary Session 2021

Asset statements of Plenary Session 2021

Asset statements of ESC Plenary Session … more
Asset statements of the Employees 2021

Asset statements of the Employees 2021

Asset statements of the Employees … more
Asset statements of Plenary Session 2020

Asset statements of Plenary Session 2020

Asset statements of ESC Plenary Session … more
Asset statements of the Employees 2020

Asset statements of the Employees 2020

Asset statements of the Employees … more
Asset statements of Plenary Session 2019

Asset statements of Plenary Session 2019

Asset statements of ESC Plenary Session … more
Asset statements of the Employees 2019

Asset statements of the Employees 2019

Asset statements of the Employees … more
Asset statements of Plenary Session 2018

Asset statements of Plenary Session 2018

Asset statements of ESC Plenary Session … more
Asset statements of the Employees 2018

Asset statements of the Employees 2018

Asset statements of the Employees … more
Asset statements of Plenary Session 2017

Asset statements of Plenary Session 2017

Asset statements of ESC Plenary Session … more
Asset statements of the Employees 2017

Asset statements of the Employees 2017

Asset statements of the Employees … more
Asset statements of Plenary Session 2016

Asset statements of Plenary Session 2016

Asset statements of ESC Plenary Session … more
Asset statements of the Employees 2016

Asset statements of the Employees 2016

Asset statements of the Employees … more
Asset statements of Plenary Session 2015

Asset statements of Plenary Session 2015

Asset statements of ESC Plenary Session … more
Asset statements of the Employees 2015

Asset statements of the Employees 2015

Asset statements of the Employees … more
Asset statements of Plenary Session 2014

Asset statements of Plenary Session 2014

Asset statements of ESC Plenary Session … more
Asset statements of the Employees 2014

Asset statements of the Employees 2014

Asset statements of the Employees … more
Asset statements of Plenary Session 2013

Asset statements of Plenary Session 2013

Asset statements of ESC Plenary Session … more
Asset statements of the Employees 2013

Asset statements of the Employees 2013

Asset statements of the Employees … more
Asset statements of Plenary Session 2012

Asset statements of Plenary Session 2012

Asset statements of ESC Plenary Session … more
Asset statements of the Employees 2012

Asset statements of the Employees 2012

Asset statements of the Employees … more
Asset statements of Plenary Session 2011

Asset statements of Plenary Session 2011

Asset statements of ESC Plenary Session … more
Asset statements of the Employees 2011

Asset statements of the Employees 2011

Asset statements of the Employees … more
Asset statements of Plenary Session 2010

Asset statements of Plenary Session 2010

Asset statements of ESC Plenary Session 2010 … more
Asset statements of the Employees 2010

Asset statements of the Employees 2010

Asset statements of the Employees 2010 … more
