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Mass media

Mass media

Election of the president, vice-presidents and members of the Executive Bureau of the Economic and Social Council

Election of the president, vice-presidents and members of the Executive Bureau of the Economic and Social Council

The Economic and Social Council has a new leadership. At the beginning of 2025, the CES Plenary was renewed, with each constituent part – employers' confederations, trade union confederations and civil … more
Announcement regarding the election of Mr. Sterică Fudulea as president of the Economic and Social Council
Youth, policies and European programs for youth and young people in Romania

Youth, policies and European programs for youth and young people in Romania

Friday, February 23, 2024, starting at 11:00 a.m., the round table was held on the occasion of the launch of the CES study "Youth, European policies and programs for youth and young people in Romania, in … more
The Economic and Social Council organized the round table on the occasion of the launch of the

The Economic and Social Council organized the round table on the occasion of the launch of the "Mental health chart in Romania" study

On Friday, January 26, 2024, starting at 11:00 a.m., the round table was held on the occasion of the launch of the CES study "The picture of mental health in Romania" … more
Journalists accreditation

Journalists accreditation

For annual accreditation at the Economic and Social Council, journalists will send the following scanned documents … more
Announcement on the appointment of a person to occupy the vacant position in the European Economic and Social Committee

Announcement on the appointment of a person to occupy the vacant position in the European Economic and Social Committee

The part of the representatives of the associations and non-governmental foundations of the civil society nominates Mrs. Corina-Andreea Murafa-Benga to occupy the vacant position in the European Economic … more
Appointment of a person to fill the vacant position in the EESC

Appointment of a person to fill the vacant position in the EESC

Notice regarding the appointment of a person to fill the vacant position in the European Economic and Social Committee … more
Notice regarding the re-opening of the call for the proposal of a person to fill the vacant position in the EESC

Notice regarding the re-opening of the call for the proposal of a person to fill the vacant position in the EESC

Notice regarding the appointment of a person to fill the vacant position in the European Economic and Social Committee … more
Memorandum regarding the appointment of a representative of Romania within the EESC

Memorandum regarding the appointment of a representative of Romania within the EESC

Approval of the start of the procedure regarding the appointment of a representative of Romania within the EESC … more
The launch of the study Correlating the minimum wage with what is necessary for a minimum decent living

The launch of the study Correlating the minimum wage with what is necessary for a minimum decent living

The Economic and Social Council launches the study Correlating the minimum wage with what is necessary for a minimum decent living … more
