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Sitemap www.ces.ro…more
Meeting of the Board of Directors and the General Assembly of AICESIS 2024

Meeting of the Board of Directors and the General Assembly of AICESIS 2024…

On November 5 and 6, 2024, the meeting of the Board of Directors and the General Assembly of AICESIS were held in Shanghai…more
ESC Plenary Session Agenda 2024-10-08

ESC Plenary Session Agenda 2024-10-08…

Ordinea de zi din 08.10.2024 ora 15:30 - ONLINE…more
AICESIS Board and International Workshop, 30-31 May 2024

AICESIS Board and International Workshop, 30-31 May 2024…

Participation of ESC Romania in the AICESIS Board and in the International Workshop "The role of social dialogue and its institutions…more
ESC participation at international events

ESC participation at international events…

ESC participation at international events…more
Participation of the ESC of Romania in the AICESIS Board 2021

Participation of the ESC of Romania in the AICESIS Board 2021…

On 27th of October 2021, the meeting of the General Assembly (GA) and the Board of Directors (AC) of the International Association…more
AICESIS Board 2021 - Video conferencing

AICESIS Board 2021 - Video conferencing…

On July 29, 2021, the meeting of the Board of Directors of the International Association of Economic and Social Councils and…more
Meeting of the members of the AICESIS Board of Directors 2020

Meeting of the members of the AICESIS Board of Directors 2020…

On 17 December 2020, between 15:00 and 18:00, the meeting of the members of the AICESIS Board of Directors took place by videoconference.…more
Visit of the delegation of the Yunnan Province Market Surveillance Administration

Visit of the delegation of the Yunnan Province Market Surveillance Administration…

By an electronic message received on July 12, 2019, a representative of the Market Supervisory Administration of the Yunnan…more
ESC Plenary Session Agenda 2019-07-02

ESC Plenary Session Agenda 2019-07-02…

Ordinea de zi din 02.07.2019 ora 13:00 - ONLINE…more
